Bantayan's Carozzas - Maundy Thursday Procession
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Bantayan Island, Cebu has been known for Holy Week Procession having life-size statues, well-decorated and well-lighted carozzas. These statues are processioned every Maundy Thursday, locally called as Huwebes Santo to commemorate the Passion of Christ.
Check the photos below to see more carozzas depicting the suffering of Jesus.

Bantayan's Carozza of Jesus' Agony in the Garden & Carozza of Judas' Betrayal - Ang Pagluib
Bantayan's Carozza of Jesus Before Pilate
Bantayan's Carozza of Jesus Being Held by the Soldiers
Bantayan's Carozza of Pilate Washing his Hands
Bantayan's Carozza of Jesus Scourged at the Pillar
Bantayan's Carozza of Jesus Scourged at the Pillar
Bantayan's Carozza of Scourging at the Pillar
Bantayan's Carozza of Scourging at the Pillar
Bantayan's Carozza of Crowning with Thorns
Bantayan's Carozza of the Carrying of the Cross
Bantayan's Carozza of Mother Mary Meeting Jesus Carrying the Cross
Bantayan's Carozza of Mother Mary Meeting Jesus Carrying the Cross
Bantayan's Carozza of Simon of Cyrene helping Jesus Carry the Cross
Bantayan's Carozza of the Mater Dolorosa