Martes Santo Procesión de los Pasos 2014

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Carozzas in San Fernando, Cebu
San Fernando, Cebu - 4:30 PM
Four carozzas were processioned for this year's traditional Procesión de los Pasos. Under the administration of Msgr. Antonio Quintana, the procession was moved from Maundy Thursday to Holy Tuesday and processioning only the Mater Dolorosa and Santo Entierro on Good Friday.

Here are the highlights of the procession. Check photos below.
Carozza of San Pedro with alive rooster decorated with red roses
(Click the image to enlarge.)

Carozza of the Scourging at the Pillar decorated with gold Malaysian mums
(Click the image to enlarge.)

Carozza of the Nazareno decorated with multi-colored mums (Click the image to enlarge.)
Carozza of the Mater Dolorosa with ferns and baby's breath
(Click the image to enlarge.)

Msgr. Quintana blessing the carozzas
(Click the image to enlarge.)

Start of the Procesion de los Pasos
(Click the image to enlarge.)

Martes Santo - Pasos
Photos by Chalmers Seas

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